When RVs have to go...™
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Sanidumps.com, is providing a free service to RVers, however there is a cost to keep up the website and to add new RV dump stations to the database. The support of our sponsors, advertisers and donations enables you to view this website free. Please remember to tell our sponsors and advertisers you saw their advertisement on Sanidumps.com

Every donation of what ever size is greatly appreciated (minimum $5.00 due to PayPal charges unless you want a large part of your money going to PayPal).

Your donations can be by credit card or bank account (where available) with the above link.

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When RVs have to go...™
How to help fellow RVers

How can you help fellow RVers?

If you are aware of a RV dump station site that Sanidumps.com is not listing, please fill out our easy to use RV dump station submission form and we will add the location to the website.

The information on Sanidumps.com is from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. We ask you to let know us of any changes you may find on your travels; please fill out our easy-to-use RV dump station submission form, and we will update the sanidump listing with the information you give.

We also invite you to contact us even if there are no changes; this is one method we use to validate the information on the website is current. We receive emails every day and will process the changes as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your support, Thank you,

The Sanidumps.com Team

Dump Station Types

The type of recreational vehicle dump stations you will find on Sanidumps.com include: private, public, RV park, non-park, municipal, truck stop, rest stop, campground, camping, resort, commercial, pay, donation, waste disposal, and free.

It is important to dispose of human waste properly when RVing. The RV dump station, dump point, or sanidump station you choose to empty your gray and black water holding tanks is up to you; we're hoping that you will choose an approved dump station site that's green and environmentally friendly, using an environmentally sound method.

Know Where To Dump Your Tanks

Do you need to know where to dump your holding tanks when your RV is on the road? Now you can know where the RV dump Stations are while traveling with a e-book. More information about the RV Dump Station location e-book.


Although efforts are made to make sure of the accuracy of the information presented, Sanidumps.com shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained here.

Sanidumps.com is not affiliated in any way with any place/location listed on this site. Fees are subject to change; availability and prices can and do change.

We thank all the RVers that have contributed information :-)

The Sanidumps.com Team

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